Our Story

My name is Andrea Arnold, I am the owner and operator of Greta's Play & Stay and this business is a dream coming true! My family and I live just outside of Colfax, Wisconsin and I have a deep love for animals - dogs in particular.

I have a Certificate in Veterinary Assisting from the American Animal Hospital Association, which means I have training in animal behavior, handling, care, and a fair amount of medical knowledge. I have been wanting to get back into animal care, well, ever since I left in 2015!

I have a little boy, Bryce (aka Toy and Play Manager), who loves dogs of all sizes and loves helping me take care of them. I am married to Justin (Maintenance Coordinator) who not only has helped bring this business to life, but supports our family in multiple other ways. I am so grateful for his support and sacrifices for our family and my calling. 

Greta's Play & Stay is truly a God given calling that we've worked extremely hard for. Through planning, meetings, building approvals, and financing, His provision has enabled us to move forward with our dream! We opened without a facility in January of 2019, had a successful year, and persevered through an ever-changing 2020 to remain an asset to our community.

We have two dogs of our own... Greta of course! She is a Standard Schnauzer, is extremely friendly and does very well having other dogs in her house/space for extended periods. We also have Maizy, she is a Great Dane/Labrador Mix who LOVES and LIVES to play, but is selective of her friends.


About Greta’s Play & Stay

Greta’s Play & Stay is an all-inclusive dog vacation and playcare center! We cater to all breeds and sizes of dogs in a personalized and affordable way, without extra costs. Care without limits! We strive to provide the comforts of home and a fun experience for your furry family members. You will never be charged extra for what we believe are the basic needs of EVERY dog!

  • Food: We feed your food on your schedule!

  • Shelter: All of our guests will be afforded the same amenities including a raised cot, clean and comfortable bedding, and a large, climate controlled living space.

  • Affection/Attention: This is different for every dog! This may mean individual play, group play, or even just some snuggle time! We tailor this time to each individual guest.

We are ready for you and have already expanded as of Spring 2021! High demand for our services required quick thinking an reconfiguration of our facility to accommodate more guests at one time! We now have: three 5’x10’ spaces for large families and giant breeds, and five 5’x5’ spaces for single dogs and small dog families! It is also equipped with in-floor radiant heat and dedicated air conditioning for complete climate control. We have roughly 1.25 acres of FENCED property for your dogs to zoom their hearts out! Though it is not a requirement that our guests get along with other dogs, we ask for your cooperation in advising us of any aggression problems or issues with other dogs and/or children. It is required that all our guests are up to date on all veterinarian recommended vaccinations, and that they routinely receive flea and tick prevention from spring to late fall.

We looking forward to serving you and stewarding this blessing well!

Original plans quickly went out the window! More spaces for more of your pups!

Original plans quickly went out the window! More spaces for more of your pups!

Welcome home!

Welcome home!